Senior Sendoff: Class of 2020

Well everyone, we made it. Whether we like it or not, our time at this beloved university has come to an end (unless you’re really smart and staying for graduate school). For our undergraduate seniors, these past 4 years have been far from dull. From a polarized election to a global pandemic, we’ve seen it all. Though our final season may have been cut short, that doesn’t take away from the incredible efforts put forth by you this season as well as from ones that came before. 

This write-up will be highlighting some of our talented seniors from this year, from the accomplishments they have made while at U of I to their favorite memory in the club. Thankfully, we were not alone! Along the way we met some incredible teammates, both older and younger, that have had a lot of things to say about us! So without further ado, let’s say goodbye to our seniors!

Cody Lund. During his time on the club, he served as head coach for the 2020 ITFC season and ran with the distance crew, crushing it in the mile. He will be receiving his Bachelors in Molecular and Cellular Biology as well as a minor in Psychology! He’s pretty smart. When asked what his favorite memory was, Cody said The 4×4’s at UChicago this year. It was really the culmination of a great meet. The entire day it seemed like everyone was getting a PR and we proved we were one of the best teams there. The whole team lined the track for the 4x4s to cheer each other on. There were a couple of close races and an exciting comeback which got everyone yelling and screaming like crazy. The coach from Beloit College approached me afterwards and invited us to their track meet because she loved the energy we had as a team. As the coach it just made me really proud to see the love, passion, and support we all have for one another.” Couldn’t have said it better myself Cody, that’s why I copy and pasted it. A lot of people had a lot of nice things to say about Cody. He truly is a great leader and an excellent role model; we couldn’t have been more proud to have him as our head coach. Your running buddy will miss you too Cody.  

Alex Bienduga. While Alex was a sprinter on the club, he also served as president for the 2019 and 2020 ITFC season, as well as the sprints coach for the 2020 season. Alex has been working towards his Bachelors in Actuarial Science and Communication and plans on moving to Minnesota after graduation to begin working as an Actuarial Analyst! When asked what his favorite club memory was, Alex said the 4×4 at the 2017 NIRCA Nationals meet. Alex stated, “We broke the NIRCA record with a 3:18. My favorite part though, is being swarmed by teammates at the finish line. Made me want to stick around with the club for another year.” Our club members always have great things to say, and anonymously a member has said, “I would like Alex to know that all he has to do is take a deep breath and just trust in his ability- everything will work out. Alex has been a great coach with open arms, and because of his approachable character, he has made our team, as a whole, closer and more willing to come to practice everyday with a want to improve.” It’s truly amazing how well our leaders touch each member of our club and the impact they have left.

Julia Schultz. Julia served as IXC president for the 2019 season and left her mark on the club without a doubt. She will be earning her Bachelors of Science degree in both Civil and Environmental engineering! After graduation, she plans on moving to San Francisco to work for a small environmentally conscious company and then attend grad school in the fall of 2021! Another incredible smart and talented individual on the team. When asked what her favorite memory was, Julia said that 2018 cross country nationals was the highlight of her time in the club. The team had performed really well on both the men’s and women’s side, and individuals PR’d across the board, even though it was on an extremely cold day in Lexington, Kentucky. She said it was a very happy day for her, and her whole family came to watch! Can’t ask for anything more than that! When the team was asked about Julia, it was clear we loved her charisma. Always bringing high energy to even the most dull occasions, Julia always seemed to keep spirits high! 

Riley Maloney. Riley was another member of the distance crew, both in cross country and track. During her time here at U of I, she will have earned a Bachelors in Food Science & Human Nutrition (Dietetics)! After graduation, Riley will be completing her dietetic internship followed by her first year of graduate school at the University of Minnesota! While she’s there, she’ll be focusing on eating disorders! That’s amazing Riley and we’re all cheering for you! Riley said her favorite track memory was always attending the Wash U meet. That meet always yielded her PR’s and during her junior year her, Emma, and Ryan got ice cream after the meet! Always a nice bonus! Riley would also like to give a special shoutout to her OG pals as well as the other members of the club that have made this a home for her. She also said “Never give up on this club even when you hate it; always aim to hangout with more than just the same two people; and always run the race, even if you aren’t “ready””. Some very wise words from a woman who has been through it all. Good luck in your future endeavors Riley! We will miss you!  

Desarae Echevarria. Des was a jack of all trades for the club. She performed in sprinting events, jumps, and hurdles, with hurdles being her favorite by far! During her time here at the university, Des has been working towards her Masters of Science in Environmental Engineering! That’s incredible! After graduation, Des will be relocating to work as an engineer in Dallas, Texas! Reading Des’ answer for her favorite memory on the team made me laugh, so I am just going to copy and paste it for your enjoyment as well. “The first memory that immediately makes me smile is one where we’re all sitting around a dinner table at a pizza place. The details before the laughter initiated are fuzzy -probably because my brain wasn’t getting enough oxygen. What I do remember is Beau reaching for a slice of pizza, and as he gripped just the top layer of cheese, the waitress took it away…leaving him with just the cheese. A combination of his facial expression/reaction and me being the only one to have seen what just happened made me laugh for 30min straight, and sporadically for the following hours in the car ride back home.” She also would like to thank the coaches for pushing her to break all of her hurdle PR’s and for making the club an unexpected family. We were happy to compete with you Des and wish you the best in Dallas!

Zach Mesplay. Zach has been around for a while. On the club, Zach was a distance runner who really enjoyed failing at the 3k steeple, mad respect for even attempting the steeple, while also tearing it up on the course in cross country. During his time at U of I, Zach has been working towards a degree in Mechanical Engineering! After graduation, it looks like Zach will be headed up to the Detroit area to work for General Motors! Looking back at his time on the club, Zach said his favorite memory was running the 3k at Club Relays. Club Relays is always a fun meet for the team, as it’s our home meet so everyone can *hopefully* come out and race. We hope the start of your career at General Motors is successful as well as the rest of your running career!

Inga Augustaitis. Inga has been very involved in the club, serving as our throws coach for the 2019 season. While on the club, she has also competed in the shot put and discus, with discus being her favorite. This makes sense because she currently holds the home meet record for the discus! Outside of the pit, she has earned her Bachelor’s degree in Music Education! Her goal after graduation is to find a job where she can teach students music! Music teachers were always one of the better teachers in elementary school, but that’s just my opinion. When asked what her favorite memory was, Inga said that her favorite was at NIRCA Nationals last year. Specifically when all the throwers began benching fellow teammate, David Young. Man, that must have been a sight to see.  

Angela Wu. Angela was a mid distance runner on the team, with her preference being the 800. Couldn’t blame her, anything over a mile just seems unnecessary. While in school, Angela was working towards her Masters of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering! That’s really impressive! Angela’s next step after graduation is to start her new job in Champaign as a researcher. In this position, Angela will be focusing on energy analysis and sustainability! When asked what her favorite club memory was, Angela said it was being super nervous before the first race and then realizing it she was able to get out there and do it. That’s a really big milestone for all runners! The first race is always a big one, but after the gun goes off, all that stress just disappears and you can focus on competing. Congratulations on graduating and good luck in your career Angela!

Alex Hanskat. Graduating in the top 1% of the haus class, Alex has spent his club career on the distance squad. His favorite event was the 1500m as opposed to the mile because those 100 meters really make a difference as stated by an anonymous source. Off the track, Alex has been working his be-hind off to earn a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering! His plan after graduation includes working in Chicago and joining the club of washed-up athletes by proving themselves at those family turkey trots on Thanksgiving. When looking back on the club, Alex said that his favorite memory was, and I quote “8 IXC men. 3 mattresses. 1 mega-bed.” If you know, you know. We wish you the very best, IXC ghost writer, and we are so proud you have reached your “full Hanskat”, as quoted by an anonymous club member.

Brianna Legner. Up next we have yet another distance runner, Brianna! During her time on the team, Brianna specialized in the mile. This is strictly sticking to track and field, otherwise her favorite would be cross country, as it is her “FAVORITE”. Upon graduation, she will be receiving a degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences! After graduation, her plan is to continue to attend U of I in the graduate program for Speech Pathology! That’s incredible! When asked what her favorite club related memory was, like Zach, she said club relays was probably her first choice. However, she also said her workouts this year with her partners was “just an amazing feeling!” It really is an amazing feeling having a stellar workout crew. Brianna also wanted to add in that, “Through this club, I have made so many new friends and best friends that have shaped me into who I am today and made me a better person. I would have been lost without this club and this team made this very large university feel more like home. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Illinois Track/Field and Cross Country Club.” Apparently, she also has some fire TikToks!

Mason Rosenberg. Mason has been a dedicated athlete on this team, through health and injury. While competing, Mason performed in just about every sprinting event. In the classroom, he has been studying to earn a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering! Yet another engineer on the team. Absolutely full of smart student athletes. However, Mason’s journey at U of I is not finished. Upon graduation, he will begin his graduate program here in lovely Champaign-Urbana. Looking back on his time on the team, Mason said his favorite memory was winning club relays 4 years in a row. Just as a disclaimer, we’re currently on a 12 year hot streak for those keeping score back home. In all seriousness, it really is impressive to be a part of a team that can come back, year after year, and perform as well as us. Thank you Mason for your contributions and I’m sure next year’s team will be making sure you return!

Emily Condic. As a heavily involved mid-distance runner, Emily has been proving herself time and time again. On the track, she loved to run the mile and off the track, she was working towards a degree in Chemical Engineering! After graduation, Emily’s plan is to work for either Shell or P&G! Given that this information may or may not be a bit outdated at this point, she has probably already decided! In which case, congrats Emily! When looking back at her time on the team, Emily described her favorite memory from nationals last spring. “It was a beautiful, sunny warm day at Track Nationals 2019 and I had just finished taking pictures on the podium with all my teammates. I hope in the car with Beau Barber and start driving home when all of a sudden the sky opens up and starts hailing. I’m talking golf-ball sized hail that was raining down so hard that you couldn’t see five feet in front of you. We had to pull off the side of the road and we talked to each other, literally yelling to be heard until the hail stopped. We were blessed with such good weather at nationals only to have hail later on, bizarre!”  Just goes to show the random weather we can have here in the Midwest! Glad that you had a great bonding experience with your teammates!

Daniel Engel. Yet another splendid individual, graduating at the top of his class from the clubhaus. Daniel was a dedicated distance runner who really enjoyed running the mile. During his time here at U of I, Daniel was working towards his Bachelors of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering! His plan after graduation? He’ll be returning to campus to pursue his graduate degree in Aerospace Engineering! Very impressive! Looking back at his favorite memory, Daniel said it was track nationals his freshman year. It was his first time racing with the club and overall a great experience. Nationals is always a great team experience. Freshman who missed it this year, definitely attend next year. Our teammates say that Daniel is one of the most talented and kind individuals they have ever met. They also said that he can solve a Rubix Cube on the dance floor? Sounds like a perfectly balanced person! 

Jarod Meyer. Oh boy oh boy. Another animal from the clubhaus, Jarod has spent his club career on the distance squad in both cross country and track. Jarod ran all sorts of events, and was even attempting the steeplechase this season! Probably would’ve seen him shatter that glass hip, but still an A+ for effort for this kid. During his time at U of I, Jarod has worked sleeplessly for his Materials Science and Engineering degree. Most of the time he was making heinous animations in his lab, but a degree is a degree. After graduation, Jarod plans on serving his 5 years of indentured servitude as a graduate student at Stanford! Looking back at his ITFC career, Jarod said “There are so many to choose from, but the entire weekend of Track Nats 2019 is something I’m going to look back and laugh on for the rest of my life.”  100% agree with you. He also wanted to add in that he will miss you all, even you Connor.

Evan Patel. What a guy. Evan was a distance runner on the team, specializing in the mile for indoor and the 1500m during outdoor. His training schedule and eating habits were unorthodox and the average person probably wouldn’t survive more than a month. Honestly surprised he made it through undergrad. Evan will be earning his degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and will stay around for a little longer pursuing some Post Bacc experience before attending Med School. From there, he may disappear to Cuba as an unlicensed doctor or something. His favorite memory on the team, either the legendary MegaBed or 10PM practices with everyone in the Armory, especially the meaty planks. Good choices. Your determination and sheer will are one in a million and a few of the underclassmen are hoping for a 5th year return, let’s see it happen. 

Matthew Beckerman. It’s always weird typing about myself in these. Anyways I have been a part of the club for the past 3 years as I was scared off by Old Man Somerfield freshman year. I’ve been a part of the distance crew on cross country and track, specializing in the 3k and 5k. It appears I’m the only (as far as this writeup is concerned) business graduate this year. I’ll be earning my Bachelors of Science in Information Systems and Information Technology. My plan after graduation is to hopefully find a job in Chicago before fall, after obtaining the first of many information security certifications. My favorite club memory would have to be track nationals in 2019. Jarod, Matt Dickinson, and I left the hotel after day 1 to go to a nearby casino. We went straight to the roulette table and put all of our money on red and won. We immediately left afterwards. That weekend as a whole was a college highlight for sure, between the casino and the MegaBed. 

These are not all of the seniors or graduating individuals on the team, just the people who wanted to be mentioned in this farewell write-up. To all the other members of this team graduating this spring, congratulations! It has been amazing competing alongside you and I hope you are proud of the achievements you have earned both in the classroom and out on the track. I wish you all nothing but the best in your future endeavors.

 As our time together is coming to an end, I want to express my gratitude for the team, and inspire some ambition for the younger members. This team is like a family. Regardless of how fast you run or how high you can jump, everyone is there for you. During my time on the team, I have failed to meet one genuinely awful person on this team. That’s a very special thing. If you’re reading this and haven’t been fully involved with the club, I challenge you to change that. Start attending practices more often, enter in more races, and especially go to social events. You might just find your next home.